The Choice
Every time I click on my Facebook icon, my heart is filled with a mixture of interest and dread. My newsfeed is filled with the faces of little warriors, fighting for their lives. Will we lose another child today? Who will it be? Oh no...another new diagnosis. The knife pushes deeper in my heart, bringing back the haunting grief of those first few hours, days. Shock, anger, disbelief. Another family is living that nightmare. Another child cries. Their childhood is now gone. Yesterday playing soccer, today blood draws and biopsies.
The past few days have been heavy ones for me. Nothing in particular has happened. Just the weight of reality. I can't scroll past them. These little warriors. I must stop and read, pray for them and their families. Read the desperate words of their Mommy's and Daddy's crying out for guidance, answers...Hope.
Honestly, there have been moments when I could not see the light. When the choice to believe was all I found. Yet He manages to find a way into my darkness. A word, a song, a message. A sliver of light to hold onto.
The question has been asked of me, "If Julianna is not healed, will u still believe that God is good?" My immediate answer was "Of course I will." The answer so quick to come to my tongue. Based on a lifetime of experience with Him as my friend and Savior.
In these past few days of darkness, the devil brought that question back to haunt me. "Why would He still be good? He has the power to heal, but if He doesn't, He can't be good. Right? They say there is 0% chance of survival. Many other families are praying like yours. One by one their babies are dying. Why pray then? What good is it going to do? A father who doesn't save an innocent child? How good could that be?"
When awake I can only whisper the name of Jesus to chase these doubts and fears away. But in the wee hours of the night. When the insomnia is strong and the darkness close, I find it harder to manage them. The apparent logic of these tempting fears play with my mind.
This evening I scrolled thru and read the words of a DIPG mom who lost her baby girl. Her honesty is refreshing. Her pain is real. Her faith is inspiring. She was an instrument of our friend Jesus in that her words reached my faint heart and filled me with some peace. Thankful for the ways He speaks even when His child is feeling weak.
"You've kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights. Each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book."
Psalm 56:8
Each tear that rolls down our cheeks, He holds in His hand. Each toss, each turn, He knows them. Of all the millions of people, in all the corners of the world, he sees us. He knows the worries in my heart. He hears Julianna's heart, her fears, her dreams. Nothing is unseen. It matters. Our feelings count.
"To all who mourn, he will give a crown of beautify for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, praise instead of despair."
Isaiah 61:3
This isn't the end. Though the devil prowls around ready to whisper words of doubt and fear, while the darkness of reality can be crushing, God is GOOD. It is the very fiber of who He is. What happens here counts. Even thought we are small, His heart beats with love for us, our pain, my tears, our sleeplessness.
I have only to be reminded of the bravery of these children as they fight this disease. The dedication of those who tirelessly advocate for them. Though I have no answers I know HE LOVES US. I know that HE IS GOOD. He can bring peace in the midst of this disgusting world. A world the steals the lives and dreams of the innocent. He is bigger. We have only to sit still.

When I don't feel it...I Choose Him.
When I am afraid...I Choose Him.
When I see no hope...I Choose Him.
When every day brings more closed doors, and less options...I Choose Him.